Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Canadian Cuisine. Gravy on Fries? Really?

I was researching restaurants last night to try to find something that reflected the local culture here in Toronto. One of the places I saw listed their cuisine as "Canadian." I clicked on the menu to see nothing but steaks and fish. No special sauces, no indiginous crazy dishes. No elk, no reindeer, no moose and no goose. How the hell did this mix of steaks burgers and fish make it Canadian? Could I at least get Canadian Bacon on my burger? Upon asking some of the locals, they stated, "we don't have a cuisine per say, but if there is, it probably includes bacon and mushrooms." Bacon flavored mushrooms? that'd be a good start.

At the restaurant we eventually selected, I had a Canadian appetizer called "Duck Confit, Poutine". I was so excited and hey, it sounds pretty good, right? Wrong. When they brought me the pile of french fries with cheese, gravy and shredded duck I immediately thought they brought me the wrong dish. Actually, it looked like the discarded table scraps from another table. It didn't taste any better. Heavy, greasy and all out "ducking" terrible. I wept in my Molson Golden Ale.

This morning, just for the hell of it, I typed Canadian Cusisine into Wikipedia and got responses of such culinary delectables as, Beaver Tale, Maple Taffy, Smelts and Chicken Balls. I kid you not, there were even notations referring to Kraft foods and Jello. Planning on booking your next vaca here? Don't bother. It looks like Salt Lake City without the mountains. and if you do come here, pack a sandwich.

What do you expect from a country who's primary export is Moosehead Beer, Bacon and Celine Dion? A country that has currency called the Loonie. A place where the French population wants to cecede. I suppose we should, however give a nod for Neil Young, although the truth is he high tailed it south 40 years ago and hasn't returned. Sugar Mountain? How about Simi Valley.

Look, Canada is a fine place but one that seems to struggle with it's cultural history and cultural cuisine. They should take a lesson from their neighbors down south and partake in the delectable offerings of such American Culinary Mecca's as Chili's, The Macaroni Grille, Applebee's, or that salad and bread stick haven known as the Olive Garden. Look kids, we're not much better.

In all fairness, I've only just started to scratch the surface of what this place has to offer. The people are great and the place is really clean. The money is a lot of fun with their Loonies and Twonies, Purple $10bills and Red $50s. It's like being in play land. It's colder than hell, but not much colder than the climate I just left. As far as the food goes, Deb and Jen say I'm a picky eater and a food snob, which may be true to a certain extent. I can tell you that if I order something that sounds french and they bring me something with fries and gravy again, I'm going to snap and publicly insult Wayne Gretzky, Rogi Vachon, and Ken Dryden. I've never been kicked out of a whole country before...


Mott TheHoople said...

Jack, I've gotta defend Canada!! Most Canadians I know consider Toronto a part of the US. We've gotta all fly to Carbonear to stay with Deb's auntie. Icebergs, Seal Flipper Pie, your wife's famous hard tack and salt cod, Screech Rum, we'll visit Canada Jen and go to a Great Big Sea concert!!!!!

Dad and Babchi said...

Canadians are also big U2 fans

Jack Calabrese said...

Who isn't?

Jack Calabrese said...


totally up for the trip north as I still have cash left over form my trip and no one will take it here. Hope we get to hear the Sea Shanties. Don't forget to bring your banana hammock.

Anonymous said...

Ah, Canada...come on, Jack. I have so many girlfriends up there that no one over met. And how can duck be bad? It's like what Howard said to me when he was giving me the birds-and-the-bees talk. "Son, there's really only two kinds of sex: good, and better." Fries with gravy?! and cheese? and duck? "Yes, please, I'll have two." The Barn has those now. 'Chele and I had them the other night. Putin fries, I think they called 'em. They were fine, but duck would have really brought them home.

Jen said...

Poutin! Fries and cheese and gravy - yummy. I had it on a Canadian Navy ship once. Never had it with Duck.

Anonymous said...

Canucks call it Poutine. "Putin fries" are also tasty but are laced with polonium and so in addition to indigestion they also give you radiation poisoning. Gotta say I'm with Mr. Toad on this one: ain't nothin' wrong with gravy cheese fries. Add duck fat and you've got a hit... and probably some restricted arteries. But it's like they say: eating healthy won't make you live forever; it will just seem like forever. I'll take mortality with a side of duck fat, thank you.

Anonymous said...

Jack you should have gone to the restaurant I time! Tina

Anonymous said...

A staple of Canuck cuisine
Is the comfort food known as poutine.
Gravy fries and cheese, eh?
Add some duck, s'il vous plait,
And clear a path to the latrine!

Mott TheHoople said...

Jack - I check your blog every fifteen minutes, 15 hours a day - times fifteen days = equals = !!!UPDATE YOUR BLOG!!! Don't force me to make you the main character of an upcoming flash cartoon!!!!!

PS: sell some ad space on this thing, make a little scratch...