Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rush Hour

I took a drive yesterday, and as I usually do I flipped through the different radio channels in search of new sonic adventures. I’m a button pusher by nature so I quickly drifted past the top 40 stations and made my way through the lower number and left side of the dial where a lot of the independents, college stations and talk radio reside. I landed on a station that was broadcasting Rush Limbaugh. My father in law is a big fan so I figured I’d give a quick listen in the hopes of understanding their perspective.

I only listened for a few minutes, but those minutes were filled with Rush’s theory that all people who subscribe to and purchase organic food are liberals. This didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me, but I continued to listen as he politicized organic heads of lettuce and free range chickens. He went on to say that Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian which gave me an immediate vision of Old Adolph meticulously arranging his asparagus spears in the shape of a Swastika.

Overall, I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I know there are a lot of people who dislike Rush’s politics, but I found him inspiring. I took that inspiration and got an organic salad.

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