Hey, who hasn't wanted to live the life of a Rock & Roll star and go on tour? A lot of guys fantasize about such things, I have a friend who not so very long ago had a card board cutout of a guitar, a Fender if my memory serves me correctly. He used to Jam out, rock out, and freak out with that thing so well that it actually looked far cooler than it sounds now. I wonder if he still has it. I imagine it would qualify as "vintage" now. Hey, wouldn't it have been a great idea to take that wooden guitar and put different colored buttons on it, make it electronic and turn it into a video game where you played along to rolling notes and music on the screen? We could call it "Wooden Guitar Guy", or "Six String Simulator." Ah well, maybe someday somebody will put it together.
The simple fact of the matter is that one of the worst things that can happen while your travelling, has occurred, (aside from a million other things, like terrorism, kidnapping, or losing your passport) I'm sick. The nausea came on this morning and has increased in intensity and discomfort.
So where does the Rock Star thing fit in? Watch any heavy metal episode of "Behind the Music" and they'll feature a guy, usually the stupid bass player who got hooked on something or another and tried or was forced to go cold turkey. That's how I feel. I'm in a dark and dismal hotel room and I keep having to get up and have my upper digestive system throw bits and pieces of British cuisine into the loo while I sway teary eyed calling for my mommy, or more appropriately Deb. I can't get warm, I'm itchy all over, I can't sleep, and I'm kind of climbing the walls. Even with it being 1:20 am. I'm still intent to try and work tomorrow...uh, later today.
If and when you find yourself in London, avoid the Extra Mature Ploughman sandwiches with Rocket and Pickle. Especially avoid any sandwich that is prepacked like you see in 7-11 or any establishment that is your local Newspaper and Scratch ticket.
I suppose I could continue with the Rock Star thing by throwing the Television out of my window and trashing my room. Unfortunately, the flat screen is bolted to the wall and I don't have a wrench with me. I also lack the strength or motivation to do it or clean up after my self. I'm no Keith Richards.
I'm going to head back to bed and try to catch a little shut eye, but more than likely I'll end up tossing and turning while watching Snooker on the "telly." I guess, "IIII have become Comfortably Numb" (More like Comfortable Dumb.)
What is the relevance of the image? It's taken from the room I'm hoping to working from in a few short hours. "Say Goodnight Gracie."
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