Happy Jack History Month! Yes, I celebrated my birthday on the 1st of March and I think it's a great time to check in and gauge how I'm doing on my New Year's resolutions, but first a few comments about turning 44:
I recall when my mother turned a certain age we sat together and she told me that although many years have passed she still felt like she was 18 years old. This is clearly the case with me although, 18 may be a bit of a stretch. Here's what I mean. The other day I was planning a very busy day in the office and I was about to embark on my usual journey of "adult stuff" (I'm referring to adult stuff as in grown up stuff, not like adult as in movies, magazines or bookstores.) Anyway, feeling very mature and responsible I began to get dressed and threw on a pair of pants. I could feel something in my pocket and upon investigating, pulled out a small wad of melted Starburst that had been left in my pocket, gone through the wash and were now stuck to the lining of my jeans. High powered insurance executive? I think not.
Despite the bleak economic outlook, the two wars, global warming and the whole world going to Hell, things are pretty good. Good job, great family, friends, and all the goodies that life has to offer. I don't owe anybody outside of the usual institutions cash and everybody's health is pretty good. In certain aspects I am feeling 44. I just got back from what I call "a cereal run". It's a loose term as there's usually some jogging, walking, limping, spitting and drooling. The "cereal" term refers to my knees and associated joints. In short, there's a lot of snap crackling and popping going on.

As for my progress on 9 in 09:
I've read 5 books thus far (the fact I'm counting is indicative of the fact that I don't read enough.)
9 pounds? I'm not doing too badly but I expect to have a big push once the holiday season is over...
U2 less than 9 times? I love the new album, but they're playing stadium shows instead of multiple dates so I should be okay. No promises though...
Charity and volunteering. I'm working on it...
Less T.V. and more interaction. Definitely less T.V. but not as many games so far. I did manage to play darts and cribbage a few times in a few pubs. I may have to rethink this one as I'm not sure this is an improvement in my character, health or well being.
Hiking and exploring with Deb? We haven't but walking around Ireland wasn't a bad place to start...
More time with the kids? Apparently, I have some communicable disease. This one has been much harder than originally planned. It seems like teenagers like hanging with their friends more than their dad. Strange, huh?
9 new bands? This one will be easy. If you haven't already checked them out, listen to the following:
Seasick Steve
The Hold Steady
Fleet Foxes
Neko Case
The Rifles
TV on The Radio
also, although not new... The new U2 album is a monster but it'll take you a few listens to get into it. There's a lot there and it's not as accessible as their last two discs. The Kings of Leon's last album is incredible and a worthwhile listen. I'm also still hooked on Radiohead's In Rainbows and the last Dylan Bootleg Series.
I'll check the list in a month or so and see how I'm doing. Remember kids, inspect what you expect.
I recall when my mother turned a certain age we sat together and she told me that although many years have passed she still felt like she was 18 years old. This is clearly the case with me although, 18 may be a bit of a stretch. Here's what I mean. The other day I was planning a very busy day in the office and I was about to embark on my usual journey of "adult stuff" (I'm referring to adult stuff as in grown up stuff, not like adult as in movies, magazines or bookstores.) Anyway, feeling very mature and responsible I began to get dressed and threw on a pair of pants. I could feel something in my pocket and upon investigating, pulled out a small wad of melted Starburst that had been left in my pocket, gone through the wash and were now stuck to the lining of my jeans. High powered insurance executive? I think not.
Despite the bleak economic outlook, the two wars, global warming and the whole world going to Hell, things are pretty good. Good job, great family, friends, and all the goodies that life has to offer. I don't owe anybody outside of the usual institutions cash and everybody's health is pretty good. In certain aspects I am feeling 44. I just got back from what I call "a cereal run". It's a loose term as there's usually some jogging, walking, limping, spitting and drooling. The "cereal" term refers to my knees and associated joints. In short, there's a lot of snap crackling and popping going on.

As for my progress on 9 in 09:
I've read 5 books thus far (the fact I'm counting is indicative of the fact that I don't read enough.)
9 pounds? I'm not doing too badly but I expect to have a big push once the holiday season is over...
U2 less than 9 times? I love the new album, but they're playing stadium shows instead of multiple dates so I should be okay. No promises though...
Charity and volunteering. I'm working on it...
Less T.V. and more interaction. Definitely less T.V. but not as many games so far. I did manage to play darts and cribbage a few times in a few pubs. I may have to rethink this one as I'm not sure this is an improvement in my character, health or well being.
Hiking and exploring with Deb? We haven't but walking around Ireland wasn't a bad place to start...
More time with the kids? Apparently, I have some communicable disease. This one has been much harder than originally planned. It seems like teenagers like hanging with their friends more than their dad. Strange, huh?
9 new bands? This one will be easy. If you haven't already checked them out, listen to the following:
Seasick Steve
The Hold Steady
Fleet Foxes
Neko Case
The Rifles
TV on The Radio
also, although not new... The new U2 album is a monster but it'll take you a few listens to get into it. There's a lot there and it's not as accessible as their last two discs. The Kings of Leon's last album is incredible and a worthwhile listen. I'm also still hooked on Radiohead's In Rainbows and the last Dylan Bootleg Series.
I'll check the list in a month or so and see how I'm doing. Remember kids, inspect what you expect.
Here I sit all black and blue,
reading blogs to see what's new.
Matt Drudge is an abomination,
Huffington's as much fun as a tubal ligation.
Everyone on Florence Street agrees,
Jackieisms is better than frozen peas.
Any suggestions for getting iodine stains out of white cotton briefs?
In honor of your birthday month I'd like to say thanks for all the awesome presents that you've given me over the years. The bronze spittoons, the delta force slingshot, the magnum size corn cob pipe, etc. The only thing you ever gave me that I didn't like was the stuffed tarantula paperweight. I'm afraid of spiders. But the greatest thing of all is of course your gift to Florence Street of the ceramic gorilla hanging by one hand from a rope. I'm sorry to be late with your birthday present, but yard sale season is coming soon!!!
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