The last thing I wanted to do once home was to eat out, but I hadn't had a slice of pizza in three weeks. Halfway through eating I completely stopped talking. As much as I had missed the family and as much as I wanted to spend time with them, I just wanted to go to be and get some real sleep. Awaking the next morning I had high aspirations; running, doing some long neglected chores around the house, or even some work work, I was home and ready for the day. "I'll get started immediately, well after I lay down for just a minute..." A minute turned into an hour and an hour turned into hours. Jerry Springer, The Food Network, ESPN, and Oprah. I only left the couch to grab snacks, and use the clockwise flushing toilet. Over the next few days I frequently fell asleep, got nothing done and was generally useless. Deb didn't seem to notice any difference...
Yeah, it's true. Jack was down for the count. Me and Mark went down with a six pack and Deb said he was in bed. I guess he forgot that as mayor of Florence street he was hosting the Obama victory party. I thought for sure that between Zach's heavy metal band on the front porch, the indoor bocce tournament, and the fire department making us put out the torches that he would at least wake up and come down for a toast. It wasn't as much fun without him but everyone understood. Before we went home we also elected Jack to another term as mayor and sent out invitations to the Christmas, New Year's, Super Bowl, and inauguration parties - which will all be at Jack's house, of course!!
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