Your mother will probably kill me for saying this, but years from now we'll laugh when we reminisce about your messy rooms, th eoccasional blunder in school, or the time the "F" word slipped out at the family function. This being said, try to stay out of real trouble. You're both at an age where you'll experience many moods and different influences. Choose carefully, and don't do anything you'll regret. In the long run all you have is your integrity, your reputation, and your self respect. you'll find yourself much easier to like and you'll be able to move much further ahead if you're not carrying the emotional baggage that comes with regret.
In a very short period you'll be driving, going through your high school years then off to college and a career. This is where the real foundation of your life is built. Make sure it's solid.
It's important to not only fill your life with people you love, but also people you like
If it's safe and won't hurt you or anyone around you, embrace as many experiences as you can. Just make sure they're positive.
Believe it or not, there's no such thing as bad music. There's just what you like and what you don't like. Don't be afraid to listen to music that's deemed uncool. If it it sounds good and touches your soul, then so be it. I can't tell you why I like Journey, Bryan Adams, Neil Diamond, or Barry Manilow, I just do.
Cherish each other. You are the only borhter and sister you're going to have. You choose whether you'll have a life long great relationship or one that is strained. It's a lot more fun to have the former.
Organize yourself as much as possible as you'll find work, play and anything you do easier. Take this from someone who is both obsessive compulsive and a huge procrastonator at the same time. I want all of those soup cans to be aligned perfectly, I'm just not willing to take the time to do it myself.
READ anything and everything. Give me the name of any real successful person and I can guaranteee that they are a veraciuous reader. This is especially true of your current interests in the arts. It's cool that you can act, sing and play guitar, but you need to have something to say if you really want to move people.
Stop not trying different food. There's a ton of amazing things to eat in this world. IF you're limiting what you'll try you're limiting the things you'll discover that you actually love. And by the way, you're driving your poor mother crazy. Vanessa, yes you do like pasta. Zachary, I'm sure you can eat mashed potatoes without actually gagging. Get over it.
Fish won't kill you
Fruit is yummy
Vegetables aren't gross
You can't live on Pop Tarts and Cheese Its
Despite what your uncle Jimmy and Billy say, I make the best Calabrese sauce. Your grandfather's isn't even close!
Find a career that you really want to do in life. If you truly love it, the money will come and it won't ever seem like work. Embrace your passions. I can only imagine the success I would have if I pursued the things I loved. At least I did this with your mother.
Speaking of her. Cherish your mother. She's simply the best of the best. Recognize this and help her where you can. The time you invest with her will bring returns for the rest of your lives.
love you guys a lot!!!! Looking forward to getting home.
Jack, I'm so proud of your open letter,that is truly from the heart.I am taking the liberty of sharing it with my friends,however,there will be a postscript in regard to the better chef credentials(the answer will come in April)and of course the omission of Ray Wiley Hubbard,Pat Green, Steve Earle and Kid Rock.
Happy Birthday Zach and V!! You are amazing people and I count myself very lucky that my kids have two such cool, generous, kind, fun role models on the street. Of course you take after your wonderful parents. You've inherited many wonderful genes from both sides - too many to list here, so let's just say thank God you have your mom's hair.
You guys have always been very polite and well mannered. Even when you were kids and you'd ask for a snack and I'd get you some carrot sticks and unflavored Stonyfield Farms yogurt with cut up apples and all the other kids would be saying, "Are you f***ing kidding me?", but you two would nicely say, "No thank you Mr. Thehoople, we're full." And you've always been great friends to Danny and Mary, like the time that Zach taught Danny to talk like Spootus McCarrigan, and it took professional intervention to get him to speak normally again. Thank you, Zach!
Well, if you guys are reading this, I made you some sausage sandwiches for your birthdays and I brought them by but I couldn't find the mailboxes that I got you guys when you turned six so I left them in your dad's humidor.
I love you guys!
PS: If you tic-tac my house again tonight I'm calling the cops. I mean it!
Did you have a dream about having the best spagetti sauce? We're gonna get this straightened out with a cook off! Don't forget my samuri sword, patches and RPG Missle launcher. Customs will not have a problem with it. Hope all is well and enjoying the expereance of travel. Ate at Villa Romana last night with dad and Joyce. They always surprise me with their dishes and appetizers.
Good trip here and will be going back tomorrow. Best wishes, Jim
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