Sunday, November 13, 2011

My Tribute to Andy Rooney - First Date

My kids are at an age where they are engaged with the opposite sex. I'd like to be able to convey great words of wisdom that may help them as they navigate through their various oncoming relationships, but the fact is, I don't have the "stuff". Case in point: here's my best advice regarding first dates:

When you're out to dinner on a first date it's important to consider the food you'll be eating in front of the person your trying to impress.

I would think of all the foods you'll want to avoid, French Onion Soup would have to be first on your list.

Just imagine yourself using your teeth to reel in that never ending string of cheese like some half assed illusionist.

When in reality, the only magic trick you've accomplished is making your second date disappear.

I don't know why, but this is the crap that occurs to me.